
giovedì 18 febbraio 2016

Industrial Style

In this post I want to introduce the industrial decor, typical style of the loft made in USA but you can recreate no doubt in your apartment.
 I collected some elemeti I can do to understand this kind of furniture.
The first move to have the perfect home "industry" is undoubtedly the one to focus on the idea of ​​creating a very essential atmosphere but at the same time full of details: typewriters, cast iron stoves, stools and metal shelves, tubes view and motorcycles or parts placed in the middle of the room automobiles are a number of furnishing the house will assume crucial importance in the casual style and a po'underground we were looking for.
For furniture instead a ride in flea markets could prove decisive.
The combination of metal and wood in this case is a must to give the whole a modern effect but at the same time particularly warm: but remember to focus on objects with a particularly stylized design and keep on neutral tones.
One of the key characters of the industrial style is the absence of bright colors, which is why for the walls we recommend that you limit yourself to a paint job, will expand the space and will give great luminosity.
Russian Pine Industrial Coffee Table

Industrial decor , perfect for any interior

Home decor whit brick walls and metal furniture 
Market IRestaurant - insdustrial design
Pess library

Metal wall paneling

Industrial space

Style is a simple way of saying complicated 

mix of industrial and antique - vintage leather club chair next to industrial metal lockers

The largest custom creation in the small space is the large black box that stands at the center of the room

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